Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Royal Perth Show 2010- Conservation & Landcare

There is a section on Conservation and Landcare showcase which we missed last year. It was closed at 5pm.So this year we make sure we are there before 5pm.

The section gives you a detailed insight on taking care of your landscape and what's the right way to own one. Showcase on the different ways of saving water and energy.
And the famous 3R- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Silver beet ready for harvest

Our silverbeets are growing steadily. I'm sure we can harvest them this weekend.

Beet roots and Broccoli are continuing to do well

Video clip on the veggie garden.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Veggies are growing!

The veggies are definitely getting bigger.I wonder if the duck poo from the water had help at all.

Silver Beet

Capsicums are still not doing too well.

Beet roots

Broccolis shown the most significant growth

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring is here and so is my veggie garden

I took some pictures over the weekend and I better post them quick before I get questioned about the veggies.

Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Moon for sponsoring these vegetables for my veggie garden, the ones that I started in a tray did not make it (one or two of them might have a slight chance).

Craig's gone to get some good soil 3 weeks ago and we had place the seedlings into ground. They are doing very well with the aid of the seaweed solution as well.

We had created 4 rows and put irrigation along it.
First row are the silver beets.

2nd row are the capsicums, which are looking so not well compare to others. It's the smallest of the lot, not sure if it is lacking nutrients or that is just how it is.

3rd row are the beetroots and most of them are growing good.There's a couple of smaller ones right in the middle.

Last row are the broccolis, which are the healthiest looking ones.

I've also started some new seedlings which are pak choy, lettuce and i can't remember the 3rd one! Oops....hopefully this 2nd attempt will have better results. I've given the seedlings some seaweed solution as well. The ducks have created so much yuck in their sleeping area, we end up with alot of duck "mulch" which i used it for the garden. Those poo better be of good use.